With a sorrow more profound than I could have imagined, I am notifying you of our beloved founder, Alice Arnold's passing.
On the morning of Monday June 5th, Alice collapsed and was transported to the emergency room.
She spent the day there, and by early evening she was admitted into hospice.
At approximateley 5 a.m. on Wednesday June 7th, Alice turned onto the path of her final journey. After more than 14 years of fighting cancer with an extraordinary inner strength, and an unwavering determination to continue her work, she was now on her way to a well-deserved rest from the battles she valiantly yet humbly fought every single day since February 2009.
The day before her collapse, Alice and I discussed the coming week's schedule; she was in good spirits and, as always, she was eager to get back to the city streets. We had no way of knowing that she had already traveled the alleys for the last time. The following day's events came as an overwhelming shock that I have yet to fully accept.
Without Alice to lead the way, Alley Animals cannot go on. She was the sustaining force behind the organization, so I must now take the steps to close the chapter on our work. With a heart broken into unrecognizable pieces, I face a monumental task that I believed would not be necessary for years to come.
Although this was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to write, I offer you the devastating news of Alice's passing as well as the unfortunate dissolution of Alley Animals with the same depth of gratefulness for your love of the innocent as I've tried to express to you for nearly 40 years.
With every ounce of my heart and soul, I salute you for the good our world experiences because you choose to make kindness your way of life.
Lillian G. Leslie
This is a prayer for little paws
All up and down the land,
Driven away, no friendly voice
Never an outstretched hand.
For weary paws of little beasts
Torn and stained with red,
And never a home and never a rest,
Till all little beasts are dead.
Oh God of homeless things look down
And try to ease the way
Of all the little weary paws
That walk the world today.
We are a small animal rescue organization located in Baltimore, Maryland. Though some of our stories start out sad, many have very happy endings. So stick around....read all about us...and meet some of the wonderful animals we have come to know along our journeys.
As you read this, thousands of animals are waiting for night to fall, waiting and listening for the sound of the alley car in the distance telling them this is the night they will eat.
Our thanks to you on behalf of thousands in the streets right now who won't know the luxury of a simple drink of water, or small plate of food. They will struggle through the day and wait for darkness to bring the sound of the alley car's rumbling engine.
Alley Animals, Inc.
P.O. Box 27487
Towson, Maryland 21285-7487
Thank You!
- The MD SPCA for low income households (25K or less for single $42K or less for families) in Baltimore city for cats, large breed dogs, and pitbulls: 410-235-8826, Ext. 140
- Animal Rescue low cost clinic for cats at MD Line, MD: 717-993-3232
- Humane Society of Baltimore County for cats & dogs: 410-833-4480
- All Paws Wellness Clinic for cats & male dogs in Perryville MD: 410-642-6396
- SPCA low cost clinic in Annapolis, MD: 410-268-4388, Ext.123
- Animal Advocates of Howard Co certificate program: 410-880-2488
- The SNAP Certificate for discount s/n surgeries for cats & dogs: 410-885-5783 (see price schedule below)
- The Wellness Clinic in Baltimore for low cost vaccinations: 410-636-0044
- Erdman Animal Hospital: 410-675-5101
FOR assistance with
outside or feral cats contact:
- The MD SPCA Feral Fix Program: 410-235-8826, Ext 140 or 121
- The MD Feline Society-Contact: tnr@mdfelinesociety.org
- For information on the feral cat contraceptive: go to FeralStat™
or call 860-399-0097
Please spay/neuter your pets and
help stop the needless suffering of unwanted animals.
In the Maryland/Delaware area, low cost certificates can be purchased from SNAP, Inc. Mail request to:
SNAP, Inc.
P.O. Box 686
Chesapeake City, Maryland 21915
Include a money order (SNAP does not accept personal checks), your telephone number and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Credit card orders may be placed by calling 410-885-5783.
Male Cat - $35.00
Female Cat - $50.00
Male Dog - $50.00
Female Dog - $65.00

Alley Animals, Inc.
Internet Rescue
P.O. Box 27487
Towson, Maryland 21285-7487
(410) 823-0899

Links to other rescues in Maryland
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Information from this site may be downloaded and printed for personal use only. No portion of this site may be reproduced for distribution or publication by any means without prior written permission. No license has been granted to any materials without the express written approval of Alley Animals, Inc.