Above and Beyond English Setter Rescue |
Adopt A Homeless Animal |
Akita Rescue Mid-Atlantic Coast |
All Breed Rescue |

| All Shepherd Rescue |
Alley Animals |

| Alley Cat Rescue, Inc. |
Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue & Sanctuary
WV, MD, VA, PA |

| American Brittany Rescue
MD, VA, DC |

| American Lhasa Apso Club Rescue |
Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue, Inc. |
Animal Advocates of Howard County/Howard County Animal Shelter |
Animal Aid Assoc., Inc., Chow Chow Rescue |
Animal Relief Fund (ARF) |
Animal Rescue Incorporated |

Animal Welfare League of Montgomery County (AWLMC) Petfinders webpage: http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MD255.html |
Anne Arundel County SPCA |

| Aussie Rescue & Placement Helpline, Inc.
Covers MD, VA, DC, WV, PA, NJ, NY and DE |
Baltimore County Animal Control |
Baltimore Humane Society |
Basset Hound Rescue League,Inc. |
Baywater Animal Rescue formerly known as Humane Society of Dorchester County |
Beagle Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc. |
Best DAWG Rescue |
Boxer Rescue - Maryland ("Partners in Boxer Rescue") |
BREW INC. ("Beagle Rescue, Education and Welfare") |
BROOD Basset Rescue of Old Dominion |
The Bulldog Club of America Rescue Network |
Calvert Animal Welfare League |
CARA (Companion Animal Rescue Alliance) |
Caroline County Humane Society |
Cat Rescue of Maryland |
Cats R Us, Inc. |
Cecil County SPCA |
Charles County Humane Society |
Chespeake Bay Retriever Rescue |

Chesapeake Shepherd & K-9 Rescue, Inc. |
Chocolate Chip Dalmatian Assistance League Serving MD, DC, and VA
Chow Rescue of Maryland Mary Lou "Louie" Mays 410-876-7683 |
Coast to Coast Dachshund Rescue(CCDR) |
Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center |
Days End Farm Horse Rescue |
Defenders of Animal Rights Adopt-A-Pet |

Delmarva Poodle Rescue |
Doberman Assistance, Rescue and Education, Inc. |
Eastern Shore Sanctuary & Education Center |

The Equihab Foundation 111 S Main St / North East, MD 21901 / horses@equihab.com |
Ethical Bull Breed Rescue and Referral |
Fallston Animal Rescue Movement, Inc. (F.A.R.M) |
Fast Friends Greyhound Rescue, Inc. |
The Feline Foundation of Greater Washington, Inc. |

The Feline Rescue Association, Inc.

Feral Cat Rescue |

The Ferret Inn Shelter & Rescue |
Frederick County Humane Society |
French Bulldog Connection Rescue |

Friends of Felines - Maryland |

Friends of Montgomery County Animals Inc. (FMCA) Petfinders webpage: http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MD135.html |
German Shorthaired Pointer
Rescue |

| GoldHeart Golden Retriever Rescue |

| Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland |
The Good Shepherd Cat Sanctuary |
Greyhound Welfare |
GRREAT - Golden Retriever Rescue, Education and Training |

Hedgesville Hounds |
Homeward Trails |
Horse Lovers United, Inc. |
HorseNet Horse Rescue |
House Rabbit Society of MD, DC, NoVa |
Howard County Cat Club
Howard County Cat Club-on Petfinders.com
The Humane Society of Calvert County Maryland |

Humane Society of Carroll County Inc. |
Humane Society of Charles County |
Humane Society of Harford County |
Humane Society of Kent County |

Humane Society of Somerset County |
Humane Society of Southern Maryland, Inc. |
Humane Society of Washington County |
Humane Society of Wicomico County |
Huskies To Love-Siberian Husky Rescue Inc. |
Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc. (IMPS) |
Jack Russell Terrier Rescue and Adoption Services Serving Maryland, D.C. and Virginia |

K-9 Lifesavers Dog Rescue Serving Maryland, D.C. and Virginia |
Lab Rescue of LRCP, Inc. |
Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc. |

| Lhasa Apso Club Rescue |

| Lonely Hearts Animal Rescue |
Lost and Found - Towson, MD |

Lost and Found Horse Rescue Foundation, Inc. |
Lucky Cat Rescue |
Lucky Ones, Inc. SPCA |
Majesty Rottweiler Rescue |
Maryland Animal Advocates, Inc. We need volunteers to feed homeless animals |
Maryland Bichon Frise Rescue |

Maryland Mastiff Adoptions |

Maryland Reptile Sanctuary |
Maryland SPCA |
Mason Dixon English Cocker Spaniel Club/ECSCA |
MerryLea Rescue |
Metropets Online |
Mid-Atlantic Bengal Rescue Network |
Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue |

Mid-Atlantic Bulldog Rescue |
Mid-Atlantic Chinese Shar-Pei Rescue Operation |
Mid-Atlantic English Springer Spaniel Rescue |
Mid-Atlantic German Shepherd Rescue (including VA) |

Mid-Atlantic German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue (District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia) |
Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue, Inc. |
Mid-Atlantic Horse Rescue |

Mid-Atlantic Poodle Rescue |

Mid-Atlantic Turtle & Tortoise Society |
Montgomery County Humane Society |
Montgomery County SPCA |

National Brittany Rescue and Adoption Network Ashley Lorusso, Maryland Coordinator, 443-472-2920 |
Northern Chesapeake Sheltie Rescue
NoVa Rottweiler Rescue League, Inc. |
Oldies But Goodies Cocker Spaniel Rescue |
Oddie's Legacy - Gapland, Md |
Oxford Ferret Rescue - Elkton, Md |
The Partnership for Animal Welfare
Patuxent Animal Welfare Society |

Paws For Courage Help for domestic violence victims and their pets |
Paws For Life |

Pet-4-Pets |

Pet Rescue of Maryland |

Pets with Disabilities |

Pits and Rotts For Life Rescue, Inc. |

Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Rescue |
Potomac Stray Cat Rescue, Inc. |
Potomac Valley Pekingese Club |
Prince George's County Animal Control |
Prince George's County SPCA/Humane Society |
Puden's Place |
Queen Annes County Department of Animal Control |
Reach Out Rescue |
Recycled Love |
Reptile and Amphibian Rescue |
Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc.
Tricia L. Tripp, Maryland State Rescue Coordinator |
Rockys Ferret Rescue & Shelter
832C Falls Rd., Parkton, Md. 21120 |

Roxie's Fund, Inc. |
Rude Ranch Animal Rescue Center |
Saint Mary's Animal Welfare League, MD |

Save The Pound Puppies! |
Secluded Hearts Rescue |
Sheltie Haven/Sheltie Rescue (Frederick Co.) |
Shetland Sheepdog Club of Greater Baltimore |
Shetland Sheepdog Rescue Club of Southern MD |

Shih Tzu Sanctuary (Rescue, Rehabilitation and Adoption) on Kent Island (20 minutes from Annapolis) 410-643-0018 |
Small Angels Rescue, Inc. Frederick, MD Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Gerbils, Mice, Rats and Chinchillas |

Snakes Only Rescue
Frederick, MD - 240-586-0145. Email: Snaketrapping@aol.com "All Snakes Welcome" |

SPCA of Harford County |

Tailed Treasures of Maryland inc. |
Tails of Hope Sanctuary |
Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue Based in PA, but work in MD as well |
Talbot County Humane Society of Easton |

| Tara's House Animal Rescue, Inc. |
Throwaways Rescue Foundation |
Tri-County Animal Shelter |
United Maltese Rescue |
States Neapolitan Mastiff Club Rescue |
Washington Animal Rescue League
Wild Bird Rescue |

| Windy Rock Equine Rescue |
Worcester County Humane Society |