Alley Animals - Newsletter

Fall 2003 Edition
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In Loving Memory of:

In This Issue:

Cindy, Oblio, Kismet, Poppy, Zoe and Oreo, my beloved pets. I loved each and everyone dearly. I miss them so much. I know that they are at peace, together, and with everyone who was a loving part of my life. I know that they are my guardian angels Judith B. Berger

All of Sheila and Carl Bernstein's pets, They were a great part of their lives and I know that they miss them so much. May they all rest in peace, together and with all the pets and people that were an important part of their lives. Judith B. Berger

Mugsy, a wonderful friend who passed away September 4, 2001. He was a Rottweiler I found in poor condition in an alley in Baltimore City in 1992. Through the years he was an amazing, gentle companion that saved me from harm on more than one occasion. Chris Clayton

Jazz, a real sweetheart. How she loved running at the beach and could outlast the younger dogs. Nancy Sword

Buttercup, a loving and gentle soul whose devotion to our family had no limits. Beverly Wilson

Garth, our beloved Cairn Terrier, 11 years old, who died of cancer on September 10th. Our hearts ache and tears never stop. We'll always love you. Ed and Nancy Foltz

Sparrow, my beloved. Carolyn B. Lengal

Conan, my beautiful, beloved Belgian Tervuran. James R. Burnett

Precious Baby Boy, my beloved dog. Ann B. Collins

Gemini, faithful companion for 15 years. The Helfrich Family

Silvio, my husband, who especially loved cats, particularly our Oliver & Cleo. Cathy Soares

Madeline Decker, she never met an animal she didn't care about and Silas, our Siamese friend who is with Mom now. Pat Decker

Buddy, my sweet boy. I had to euthanize him on 9-2-03. Diann Creager

Buster, special catboy companion of 13 years to Jack and Mary Waring. Fred Michaelson

Natalie Polland, my mother. Joan Harrell

Lacy, our wonderful "Girley". Janice and Ron Buchan

Morris Needle, my Dad. Carol Orndorff

Bear, Rascal, Morris, Brandy, and Nippy Hoffman. Carolyn Hoffman

John DeMink, he always had two dogs. when one passed away he went to the shelter and got another one. Berdina Harris

Morris Needle, our grandfather on his birthday. Megan, Jeff, and Matt Kispert

Donna M. Sexton, We know that she loved Alley Animals and enjoyed being a part of it. Gene and Carol Burchette

For Arlene and Bob Hochberg, in memory of the wonderful girls who were like my own. They will always be remembered and loved. Judith B. Berger

Pauley, my beloved cat who passed away last October - my "Gentle Giant", who I love dearly and miss. Mary Walsh

Noguchi, beloved friend, 19 years of loving devotion. Einar Raysor

Taylor, with love. Pat, Bob and Pam Williams

Donna Sexton Anne Smawley

Donna Sexton, you were a good friend and a good partner. I will think of you every time it snows. Alice

Claudia, Fred, and "Dolly" the pit bull. Donna Rae Castillo

In Honor of:

Helen Wright, the kindest person I know. Happy September Birthday. Joan Gawel

Tabby, his tenth birthday on September 25th. Marilyn Sellers

Daisy, our Walker Hound (Mommy's baby and Daddy's little girl). Walt and Helen Clemmenson

Fluffy. Barbara Schneider


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Once Upon a Time... Heaven's Littlest Angels (Warning - very graphic)

Webmaster: Debbie Perry