Alley Animals - Newsletter

Winter 2002 Edition
Alley Animals Logo

Special Thanks To:

In This Issue:

Robert Foster
Carlton Barger
John Kopolow

Upon occasion we acknowledge individuals whose donations rise above the ordinary, and we devote our Special Thanks section to them. We are deeply grateful for such generosity, but we also recognize that the backbone of our organization’s work rests with those of you who contribute affordable consistent donations. With these we buy the thousands of pounds of food we use each month in the streets; with these we fill the alley car’s thirsty gas tank before each nightly trip through the alleys; without these, we would have no way to do what we do. We cannot offer thanks special enough to convey our gratitude to those of you who refuse to forget the suffering of downtrodden animals on our streets, though you do not look into their faces as we do. The unselfish giving of those who believe in the good of helping ones who will never be able to reciprocate demonstrates a depth of character that no Special Thanks section could pay high enough tribute.

Alley Animals' Home Page Our Wish List
Alley Animals...Before and After Faces from the Streets
Meet Our Adorable Adoptables Alley Animals - A Profile
Want to Adopt? Webpage Awards
Once Upon a Time... Heaven's Littlest Angels (Warning - very graphic)

Webmaster: Debbie Perry